The main responsibility of the Species Conservation and Management division is to spearhead the conservation and management programmes of wildlife nationally and in line with the KWS vision – “Saving the last great species and places on earth for humanity” and to ensure recovery of endangered species whose populations are on the threat of extinction. 


  1. Formulate and implement policies, plans and guidelines for conservation, management and utilization of threatened wildlife species.
  2. Identify and prioritize threatened wildlife species conservation challenges requiring research, technology transfer and methodologies and implement research findings.
  3. Coordinate development and implementation of conservation and management strategic plans for conservation programmes and target taxa/species.
  4. Develop, review and advice on policy of species conservation and management.
  5. Coordinate monitoring and evaluation of the implementation of species conservation strategies.
  6. Improve, through training, wildlife management and conservation capacity for staff.
  7. Coordinate implementation of the rhino, elephant, and other endangered and nationally important species conservation programs.
  8. Oversee and coordinate activities within country of all wild animals’ captive facilities.
  9.  Plan for the existing, and new constituency/space for wildlife.
  10. Vet species introduction, reintroduction and supplementation proposals.
  11. Coordinate species introduction, reintroduction and supplementations.
  12. Develop and maintain a database of translocations.
  13.  Coordinate wildlife veterinary, capture and translocation activities.
  14.  Coordinate veterinary diagnostic and forensic laboratory services.
  15. Develop country position on the listing of endangered species to international conventions e.g IUCN, CITES; CMS etc.
  16. Coordinate implementation of CITES and other species specific conventions.

The Species Conservation and Management division has 4 departments namely:

  1. Veterinary Services Department

Main function is to manage operations of veterinary services which include diagnostics, wildlife translocations and molecular/forensic laboratory services. It also develops and provides policy guidance and governance on wildlife health and welfare.

  1. Captive Wildlife Management Department

Established to mainly manage and coordinate activities of all wild animals’ captive facilities, on state, community and private lands.

  1. Species Management Department:

The department is responsible for coordinating the formulation and implementation of species-specific national conservation and management strategies especially those of endangered species to ensure viable populations of wildlife and their ecosystems are maintained.

  1. CITES Implementation Department

Whose overall function is to co-ordinate implementation of CITES Activities